flyover of original M118769870L
flyover of M1168450258LC:
The best-available evidence would be images from the 100,000+ frames
of the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter taken circa 2010. These are the
highest resolution to date and range in quality all the way up to
0.5 m/pixel.
The Metric Camera (mapping camera) obtained pictures of the surface
covering 165 kilometers on a side, with a horizontal resolution of
20 meters, based on a nominal spacecraft altitude of 110 kilometers.
The Panoramic Camera obtained pictures of narrow strips, 20
kilometers wide in the direction of spacecraft motion and 320
kilometers long across the spacecraft's ground track. These pictures
had extremely high resolution, showing features just 1 to 2 meters
across. Photographs with both cameras were taken so that there was
substantial overlap in the ground coverage of consecutive photos.
This allowed the technique of stereo photography to be used to
determine the heights of features shown in the photos. Under ideal
conditions, the heights of these features could be determined to an
accuracy of better than 10 meters. The results of this stereo
photography were used in producing topographic maps.