Sixty-three years ago some amateur
astronomers observed and recorded data
pertaining to a remarkable event that
apparently occurred near the Moon in
September 1954. They appropriately took the
notes and filed a report that wound up in a
monthly publication put out by UFO
researcher, Leonard Stringfield. The October
1954 issue, Vol. I, No.7, of the
C.R.I.F.O. Newsletter carried the story in a
short paragraph at the bottom of page
7. This newsletter showed up in a 26-page
release of FBI documents discovered by Lara
Elliott, one of NICAP's youngest and most
diligent researchers. I had been doing bios
on important figures and I had run across a
note mentioning an FBI comment about a Lt.
Col. O'Mara telling Stringfield: "We want to
cooperate and dispense with the
misconception that 'flying saucers' do not
exist." He also said that the Air Force was
getting 700 reports a week." I wanted to
check into this claim and I had Ms. Elliott
do a document search for me. We were
surprised to find that there were more than
just a couple of FBI documents on the O'Mara
story and were very surprised to find this
lunar ELO (Extra-Lunar Object) report. It
also came as a surprise that this was the
very same year that we had rumors of unknown
satellites orbiting the Earth.
February 7, 2017
In February 1954, plans for
a (unknown) satellite search were described in
an article for the Astronomical Society of the
Pacific. Quoting Dr. (Clyde) Tombaugh, it said
that special telescopic equipment would be used.
The article had been written before the project
began, and there was no hint of giant
spaceships. The operation was called a search
for natural objects. But the press quickly
sensed a hidden story. At White Sands, Army
Ordnance officials were deluged with questions.
Were there actually unknown satellites? Where
had they come from? How many were there? Had
this ever happened before? (Donald Keyhoe)
Later in 1954 something happened that may have
been related. This is an extremely interesting
incident that straddles two areas of interest
for me. It not only is a good ELO (Extra-Lunar
Object) report for the Lunascan Project, it is
also a good example of a UFO observed from the
Earth and seen to move above and over the lunar
surface. Here is the original report, brief as
it is, that was found at the bottom of page 7 of
26 FBI document pages.
5, 1954; Rockford, Illinois
As they had done on many occasions, amateur
astronomers Peter Bartkus and Theodore McColm,
were watching the moon through a telescope.
Bartkus writes: “I observed the most unusual
phenomena I have ever had the experience of
witnessing.” Bartkus continues: “The moon was
observed through my 6” cassegrain reflector
telescope using a secondary mirror. The total
focal length for this setup is over 100”, and
with the use of 150 and 200 power oculars we
got tremendous power with the least loss of
light.“ The moon was in the first quarter and
its diameter was 29 feet, 30 inches. We saw a
spherical object ascending from the northern
section of Mare Humboltianum area. It
was not glowing or brilliant, but seemed more
like a dull reflected light of a planet. Its
size we estimated at about the diameter of
craters Pitiscus or Vlaco. At the time it
disappeared it had traveled more than 29” or
30” of arc in about 40 minutes. We checked out
the possibility of atmospheric diffraction in
the sky or the scope by traversing the scope,
and by changing the oculars. The object must
have been a powered body because as the moon
was descending at 1081 mph, the object was
ascending and not following a true orbit. It
was definitely in space, and in the same field
as the moon, or near the moon.”(CRIFO
Newsletter,Oct 1, 1954, Leonard Stringfield,
FBI files)
The first thing I did was to run a VMA
computer check on the Moon for that moment on
that very day:
Ephemeris: DE421
Observatory: Geocentric
Date: 1954-09-05 22:35:00
Date (TT): 1954-09-05
(J2000) Right Ascension:
(J2000) Declination:
(Date) Right Ascension:
(Date) Declination:
Distance: 399348Km
Apparent diameter: 29.92'
Colongitude: 8.6°
Phase: 85.3°
Lunation: 8.51 days
Illumination: 54.1%
Sub-solar latitude: -1.3°
Libration in Latitude:
Libration in Longitude:
Position angle: 6.6°
The story checked out. The Moon's
illumination was 54.1% and phase was 85.3%. The
apparent diameter of the full Moon is about
0.5 degrees and was in the first quarter
(about 0.25 degrees observable area, here it was
exactly 29.92 degrees) and this object moved
(ascended) slowly over that surface and within
that FOV over a period of 40 minutes. This
eliminates "fast walkers", meteors, or anything
in the Earth's atmosphere and certainly anything
near the Moon. At the mean distance of
240,000 miles (FTR the actual distance was
about 399,400 km at that time) and Pitiscus
is an 82-km impact crater that lies in the
southern part of the Moon's near side, just to
the northwest of the larger crater Hommel.
Bartkus commented that the comparative size of
the object was close to the angular diameter of
Pitiscus, so he was taking a crater much further
south to illustrate the size of the object they
were observing. That all being said, the object
must have been very large, 50-70 miles wide if
it were at lunar range, and half of that if at
mid-distance, etc. In any case, at lunar range a
real object that large, observed for 40 minutes
would have to be powered, as no natural object
in orbit around the Moon would be that slow and
observed for that long. If in space between the
Earth and the Moon since we are moving in orbit
at 66,000 mph and the Earth is rotating at 1040
mph at the equater it would be hard to imagine
an asteroid being responsible for this
Assuming that an extraterrestrial civilization
discovering an already-inhabited world would
have numerous geosynchronous observation
platforms to provide 24/7 surveillance without
detection, what would be the advantage of having
surveillance from a polar orbit?
The ascending nature of the ULO suggests a polar
orbit. Based on our use of satellites with polar
orbits, what would this suggest?
* Since the orbit is
lower than for the Geostationary satellites, the
data resolution is higher. Our LRO (Lunar
Reconnaissance Orbiter) is in an eccentric polar
* On Earth they provide global coverage,
necessary for NWP (Numerical Weather Prediction)
models and climatic studies.
* Cannot provide continuous viewing of one
location, but the aforementioned geosynchronized
platforms would already provide that important
• Identify potential resources on the Earth
& Moon
• Gather detailed maps of the surface of the
Earth and Moon
• Collect data on the radiation levels for the
Earth and Moon
A low Earth orbit (LEO) is
an orbit with an altitude between 160 kilometers
(99 mi) (orbital period of about 88 minutes),
and 2,000 kilometers (1,200 mi) (about 127
minutes). Objects below approximately 160
kilometers (99 mi) will experience very rapid
orbital decay and altitude loss. Almost all
human spaceflights have taken place in LEO or
below, including the International Space
Station, as well as the majority of satellites,
have been in LEO. Objects in LEO encounter
atmospheric drag from gases in the thermosphere
(approximately 80–500 km up) or exosphere
(approximately 500 km and up), depending on
orbit height. Due to atmospheric drag,
satellites do not usually orbit below 300 km.
Objects in LEO orbit Earth between the denser
part of the atmosphere and below the inner Van
Allen radiation belt. The mean orbital velocity
needed to maintain a stable low Earth orbit is
about 7.8 km/s, but reduces with increased
orbital altitude. Calculated for circular orbit
of 200 km it is 7.79 km/s and for
1500 km it is 7.12 km/s. The Delta-V
needed to achieve low Earth orbit starts around
9.4 km/s.
A very large object, one much larger than the
ISS, would do better in a Medium Earth Orbit
since the atmospheric drag would affect it less.
And a spacecraft that operates and maintains an
orbit using electromagnetic force fields rather
than rocket thrusters would probably put out a
detectable force field signature and would also
need to be higher than a LEO.
Maj. Keyhoe:
"Since 1953, it
had known that giant spaceships were operating
near our planet. At least nine times, huge
alien spacecraft had been seen or tracked in
orbit, or as they descended nearer the Earth
for brief periods. Each time it had been an
ordeal for the AF censors, as they struggled
to conceal the reports or explain them away
when attempts at secrecy failed.
"During 1953, the AF began
experiments with new long-range radar
equipment. While making the initial tests, AF
operators were astonished to pick up a
gigantic object orbiting near the equator. Its
speed was almost 18,000 miles an hour.
Repeated checks showed that the tracking was
correct. Some huge unknown object was circling
the Earth, six hundred miles out.
"Shortly after this a
second enormous object approached the Earth.
Tracked by AF radar experts, it also went into
orbit, about 400 miles away."
According to Keyhoe, alarmed Defense Department
heads hurriedly set up an emergency
satellite-detection project at White Sands, New
Mexico. The scientist (supposedly) in charge of
this secret search was Dr. Clyde Tombaugh,
discoverer of the planet Pluto, the only noted
astronomer who had admitted sighting a UFO. The
"sky sweep" was a combined armed forces project,
under Army Ordnance Research. But after all
these years no evidence was found to support
this rumor and Tombaugh and La Paz at the time
denied that anything other than a search for
"natural" objects was conducted and even
then, reportedly nothing was ever found.
I always questioned the "natural" objects
statement and assumed it was all part of the
cover-up. Natural objects, rocks, meteors,
small asteroids, cannot simply fall into an
orbit, circular or eccentric. And keeping
them in orbit requires periodic orbital
corrections. But evidence suggesting anything
was ever found to be in orbit is still lacking
proof. Some just say Keyhoe just got it all
wrong, but many of his leads were correct and he
was getting genuine UFO cases from Al Chop at
the Air Force Press Desk for a while.
Was it just a coincidence that an incident
involving an object in space and possibly near
the Moon in a polar orbit in October of 1954,
was the same year the mystery satellites
controversy of the Earth was brought out by the
article for the Astronomical Society of the
Pacific and the Tombaugh satellite search?
Mike Swords:
Certainly interesting, but
it takes some speculative gap-filling to
hypothesize a controlled craft. Charles Fort
collected several anomalous objects in space
sorts of reports, and this inspired William
Corliss to do even greater digging at things
like this. In his collections of anomalous
observations (of all manner of things) he
located about ten cases of amateur astronomers
seeing "dark objects" crossing the face of the
Moon at unknown distances --- all prior to
1942, most in the 1800s. And, as I've told you
previously, I've read the original Tombaugh
proposal and see nothing in there that leads
me to believe that it was inspired by a
particular observation of the sort you note.
I'd far faster believe that it was inspired by
LaPaz and his interests. ... LaPaz and
Tombaugh were science buddies after all.
So, apparently the study was not inspired by some
early satellite observations, but rather the
military/scientific prediction that we humans were
close to orbiting satellites, and it would be a
good idea to prepare a detection mechanism for
that. Keyhoe's idea that the intel community was
getting Earth-orbiting object reports in 1954, was
a misreading of the vague leaks he was getting and
which he filtered by his UFO obsession. Another
reason he may have considered the leaks as genuine
were the reports of giant objects that had all the
earmarks of being motherships and needed a place
to come and go from, and an orbit high above the
earth was a logical thought.
Brad Sparks:
Over 10 years ago on UFO UpDates in 2006 I
traced this to Keyhoe's 1955 book, pp. 33, 67,
where it is ONLY ONE satellite orbiting between
perigee 400 miles and apogee 600 miles.
The first report Keyhoe got from a captain
in Sept 1953 said nothing about the equator, the
equator was only mentioned in Oct 1953 by "Paul
Redell" (probably Paul Hill of NACA) who also
claimed it was picked up by experimental
long-range radar, but NO mention it was an AF
radar. No such radar in 1953 has ever been found
and no radar even from the southernmost part of
the US could pick up a satellite at 400 miles
over the equator as it would be below the
horizon. So that's a scientific problem
for the story.
The orbiting objects from the 1960 era were the
exact opposite. Not only the Grumman photo but
several other cases were genuinely unsolvable (one
by a professional astronomer in Chicago who
basically snorted derision when Kuiper made up an
explanation). This was all in another IUR article
which I do not have right at the moment.
I want to thank Lara Elliott for getting us the
FBI documents and Rich Vitello & Barry
Greenwood for work on the transcription into text
so we could utilize the data for this report.
Fran Ridge
The Lunascan Project