Of historical interest to some, and imaged three times by LRO perhaps because of this interest, here are the so-called Blair Cuspids which gained some notoriety in the late 60's.

Attached is a cropped version of the original Lunar Orbiter II image (61H3).  The Sun elevation is 11 degrees. The shadow length (using LRO data to measure the distance between the surface features) of the widest object is about 113 meters.

The location based on LRO coordinates seems to be 5.024 degrees N latitude and 15.58 degrees E longitude.

The LRO image (http://wms.lroc.asu.edu/lroc/view_lroc/LRO-L-LROC-3-CDR-V1.0/M159847595RC) shows the site at 1755 pixels from the left and 23760 pixels from the top (perform a 180 degree rotation to get the site oriented correctly).  The Sun elevation is 42 degrees and the slew angle near zero with a pixel resolution widthwise of  0.4 m/pixel. A cropped/rotated version is attached.

The LRO image (http://wms.lroc.asu.edu/lroc/view_lroc/LRO-L-LROC-3-CDR-V1.0/M181066153RC  ) shows the site at 3120 pixels from the left and 741 pixels from the top (perform a flip about the horizontal axis.. up/down are flipped to get the site oriented correctly).  The Sun elevation is 23 degrees and the slew angle near zero with a pixel resolution widthwise of  1.14 m/pixel.  A cropped/flipped version is attached.

The LRO image (http://wms.lroc.asu.edu/lroc/view_lroc/LRO-L-LROC-3-CDR-V1.0/M192853500LC  ) shows the site at 3402 pixels from the left and 16903 pixels from the top (perform a 180 degree rotation to get the site oriented correctly).  The Sun elevation is 20 degrees and the slew angle near zero with a pixel resolution widthwise of  1.12 m/pixel. A cropped/rotated version is attached.

Because we have images at different Sun angles, it is possible to determine the surface slope near the objects.  The two most recent LRO images have Sun coming from opposite directions and at similar elevation but clearly the shadow lengths are different.  Using trig, it turns out that -3.85 degrees in the Westward direction explains the different shadow lengths.  This implies the height of widest one to be 10.3 m (since the widthwise 0.4m/pixel by heightwise 0.55m/pixel M159* image shows it to be about 11 m on the other two sides, this makes sense).  However, using this height provides only a shadow of 83 m long for it.  Examining M192* shows that perhaps the slope falls away even more beyond the nearby proximity of the widest object.  Only 1.9 extra degrees is required to get the observed shadow length of 113 m.