The images of Arago C are derived from a negative which was contact-copied from the 20x24 master negative of LO-2-57H1 at the NSSDC. This negative has at least 2.4x better resolution than did the 8x10 negative the images of the first crater were derived from. Since the negative is 2.4x larger than the negative used for the first crater, less enlargement was needed to bring out the features shown in the Arago C debris.

Arago C has some significant differences from the first crater. Most obvious is the larger size, this one being about two miles in diameter as opposed to the one-half mile diameter of the first crater. As noted earlier, this crater also has an obvious raised rim and indications of ejecta and secondary impacts. While the nature of the first crater (impact-collapse) is in question, this crater is clearly an impact feature.

Note that the crater lies directly across a low ridge which intersects the crater at the north and
south rims.
There is one notable similarity between the two craters, though. The north rim of each crater shows signs of collapse.  This is more   easily seen on Arago C, where the prominent rim flattens out to the north (top) and a significant amount of  debris has slid down the north wall. This is the area of interest in Arago C.

It may be significant that the collapsed north rim and debris field mark the point where the crater cuts through the ridge.

Perturbing Craters The First Crater Arago C Lunar Orbiter