21 May 97 - 17 Jul 12

Apollo 10 Frame 4417

Spacecraft altitude:  69 miles

Camera:  Hasselblad  Lens: 500mm (narrow-angle)  Film: Type 3400. More information on the camera is here.

Photograph Principal Point: 14 deg North, 55 East

Sun direction at principal point:  Azimuth= 109.1 deg, Elevation= 59 deg

Camera line-of-sight direction:  Azimuth = 345 deg, Tilt from vertical= 55 deg

Digital Images Prepared from AS10-30-4417:


This 32K JPEG image of Picard was scanned at 100DPI from an 8X10 inch print that was a 5X enlargement from the 8X10 inch negative. Each pixel is 4/10 the size of the smallest resolvable object.


File size: 215K.
Print: 10X enlargement of the wall of Picard facing the camera at the position of the main "arch" in AS10-4421. Printed on high-contrast paper.
Digital Scanning: 100 DPI.
Resolution/Pixel  1.2 resolution lines per pixel.

Apollo 10 Frame 4421

Spacecraft altitude:  69 miles

Camera:  Hasselblad  Lens: 500mm (narrow-angle)  Film: Type 3400. More information on the camera is here.

Photograph Principal Point: 14 deg North, 55 East

Sun direction at principal point:  Azimuth= 113.3 deg, Elevation= 58 deg

Camera line-of-sight direction:  Azimuth = 350 deg, Tilt from vertical= 55 deg

Digital Images Prepared from AS10-30-4421:


This 363K GIF image of Picard was scanned at 100DPI from an 8X10 inch print that was a 3.7X enlargement from the 8X10 inch negative. Each pixel in this image is 3.2 times larger than the resolution limit of the camera.


This 85K GIF image was made from an 8X10 inch print enlarged by 9X from the 8X10 inch negative originally received from NSSDC. Each pixel is 1.3 times larger than the camera resolution limit.


This 32K JPEG image of Picard was scanned at 100DPI from an 8X10 inch print that was a 5X enlargement from the 8X10 inch negative. Each pixel is 2.5 times largers than the theoretical resolution of the camera.


File size: 250K.
Print: 10X enlargement of the wall of Picard facing the camera at the position of the main "arch" for comparison with AS10-4417. High-contrast paper was used.
Digital Scanning: 100 DPI.
Resolution/pixel Ratio: 1.2 resolution lines per pixel.

Lunar Orbiter 4 Frame 191H3

Note: Lunar orbiter high-resolution photographs were long strips that were divided into three separete photographs, and the principal point is always in the middle section, or in LO4-191H2 in this case, and not in section H3 described here.

Spacecraft Altitude 5503km

Camera: Lunar Orbiter high-resolution camera. More information on the camera is here.

Principal Point in Photograph: 38.25 North, 53.79 West

Camera Line of sight to principal point: Azimuth= 288deg, Elevation= 82.3deg

Sun direction at principal point: Azimuth= 257.7deg, Elevation= 16.33deg

Size of Smallest Resolvable Object = 117 meters

Digital Images Prepared From LO4-191H3


File size is 396k. This image was scanned from an 8X10 inch print that was made from a 10X enlargement of the photographic negative. The scan resolution was 200DPI. Each pixel represents 2.8 arc-seconds, which is about 1/3 the angular size (4.4 arc-seconds) of the smallest object resolvable by the Lunar Orbiter high-resolution camera at a 3:1 contrast ratio.

Apollo 17 Frame 288

Spacecraft altitude:  138 miles (222 km)

Camera:  Mapping Camera. More information on the camera is here.

Photograph Principal Point: 19.6 deg North, 56.1 deg East

Sun direction at principal point:  Elevation= 27 deg

Camera line-of-sight direction:  Vertical

Size of Smallest Resolvable Object = 14.5 meters

Digital Images Prepared From  AS17-288

A17288A.jpg - File size is 50k. Image of Peirce Crater was scanned directly from the negative at a scanning resolution of 2700DPI and reduced in size by a factor of 2 to show all of the crater. Each pixel is 2.2 times the size of the theoretical resolution limit of the camera.

A17288B.jpg - File size is 33k. Image of the northern part of the floor of Peirce crater. Scanned directly from the negative at 2700DPI. Each pixel is 1.1 times the size of the theoretical resolution limit of the camera.

A17288C.jpg - File size is 33k. Image of the southern part of the floor of Peirce crater. Scanned directly from the negative at 2700DPI. Each pixel is 1.1 times the size of the theoretical resolution limit of the camera.

The Apollo 17 400 Series Photographs

Apollo 17 Frame 429

Spacecraft altitude:   74 miles (119 km)

Camera:  Mapping Camera More information on the camera is here.

Photograph Principal Point: 18.3 deg North, 56.1 deg East

Sun direction at principal point:  Elevation= 27 deg

Camera line-of-sight direction:  Vertical

Size of Smallest Resolvable Object = 7.7 meters


A17429A.jpg (54K) showing center of Peirce, scanned from the 8X10 inch negative at 2700DPI. Each pixel is 1.2 times the size of the theoretical resolution limit of the camera.

Apollo 17 Frame 430

Spacecraft altitude:   74 miles (119 km)

Camera:  Mapping Camera More information on the camera is here.

Photograph Principal Point: 18.4 deg North, 54.8 deg East

Sun direction at principal point:  Elevation= 27 deg

Camera line-of-sight direction:  Vertical

Size of Smallest Resolvable Object = 7.7 meters

Image: A17430A.jpg (40K) ahoqinf center of Peirce, scanned from the 8X10 inch negative at 2700DPI. Each pixel is 1.2 times the size of the theoretical resolution limit of the camera.

Apollo 17 Frame 431

Spacecraft altitude:   74 miles (119km)

Camera:  Mapping Camera More information on the camera is here.

Photograph Principal Point: 18.5 deg North, 53.84 deg East

Sun direction at principal point:  Elevation= 27 deg

Camera line-of-sight direction:  Vertical

Size of Smallest Resolvable Object = 7.7 meters

Image: A17431.jpg (22K) showing center of Peirce, scanned from the 8X10 inch negative at 2700DPI. The image was then enlarged by a factor of two in order to better reveal the unusually linear striation running along the base of the conical hill. Each pixel is 0.6 times the size of the theoretical resolution limit of the camera.

Apollo 17 Frame 432

Spacecraft altitude:   73 miles (118km)

Camera:  Mapping Camera More information on the camera is here.

Photograph Principal Point: 18.4 deg North, 54.8 deg East

Sun direction at principal point:  Elevation= 27 deg

Camera line-of-sight direction:  Vertical

Size of Smallest Resolvable Object = 7.6 meters

Image: A17431.jpg (25K) showing center of Peirce, scanned from the 8X10 inch negative at 2700DPI. Each pixel is 1.2 times the size of the theoretical resolution limit of the camera.

Support Data for Mare Crisium Photographs and Digital Images