The Lunascan Project
Scanning Session Number: 36      99-003
August 17, 1999
BOS: 01 h 06 m CUT
8:06 PM
Age: 6 days
Illumination: 41.6%
Distance: 402184 km / 249,354 nm

Scanning Configuration

HPS Unit:
Primary Mirror: 10" f/6,  57.8" f/l, 1/12-wave, radius of curvature 122
Secondary Mirror: 2.1"
Eyepiece: 26 mm
MPS Unit:
Primary Mirror: 4-1/2", f/8
Eyepiece: 25 mm 
Filter: #11 Yellow-Green (62% transmission)

LPS Unit:
Telelentar  450mm/RCA CC-002 color cam
17-102 Telephoto lens/GBC-400 b&w CCD