The Lunascan Project
Scanning Session Number: 14      96-003
April 26, 1996
02 h 00 m CUT
2000 MT; 8:00 PM local time
Lunar age, 8 days
Illumination: 62.3%
Range: 401,180 km
249,532 miles 

Scope on DOB mount. STU not ready.

Featured a 16" f4.5 HPS view of Eratosthenes, a 58 mile wide crater near a mountain chain position.  Viewed at 400x, the field of view was 553 miles, apparent range: 600 miles. 

Scanning Equipment
HPS Unit:
Primary Mirror: 16" f4.5,  1830 mm f/l
Eyepiece: 26 mm
Filter: #11 Yellow-Green (62% transmission)
WV450/Sears lens