Farside Directory - Ridge
Section 160

The view angle from the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter made
mapping more difficult than usual for Ridge Section 160. The
USGS color chart that represents this same section was made from
a slightly different vantage point, and some liberties were
taken to get crater names in the color frame. Antoniadi is
a 143 km diameter, ~4 km deep, lunar impact crater that
lies on the southern hemisphere on the lunar Far Side. The
crater intrudes into the southeastern rim of the crater
Minnaert, a slightly smaller formation that is significantly
more eroded. Attached to the eastern rim of Antoniadi is Numerov
(right side cut out of frame and in Section 161), another large,
ancient crater similar to Minnaert. Due south of Antoniadi is
the small crater Brashear. The outer rim of Antoniadi is
generally circular, with an irregular edge that has multiple
indentations all about the perimeter. The wall is only lightly
eroded, and retains a crisp rim and terracing on the inner
walls. Only a single small craterlet of note lies across the
interior wall, near the southeast edge of the rim. Antoniadi is
one of the few craters on the Moon that possesses both a second
inner ring and a central peak. This inner ring formation is
about half the diameter of the outer wall, and only rugged
mountain segments of the ring to the north and south still
remain. The western part of the inner ring is almost
non-existent, and only a few minor hills remain to the east. The
floor within the inner wall is unusually flat and smooth, with
the central peak being the only notable feature. The floor
outside the inner ring is much rougher in texture. (Credit: Most
of the information used in the section feature descriptions was
obtained from wikipedia.org.
Section 160 and this directory was created by Fran Ridge and Ned
Haskin of The Lunascan Project).