Farside Directory - Ridge
Section 154
The Apollo Basin, Ridge section 154, is an enormous impact
crater (537 km wide) located in the southern hemisphere on the
far side of the Moon. To see the full range of this basin one
can view the composites and quad linked above, but all four
sections 144, 145, 154, and 155 need to be examined. This
formation dwarfs the large crater Oppehheimer that is located
next to the western rim. The crater Barringer lies across the
northern wall. To the southeast is the crater Anders and
Kleymenov is just to the east of the rim. All of these craters
are out of frame in this section. Apollo is a double-ringed
walled plain whose inner ring is roughly half the diameter of
the outer wall. Both the outer wall and the interior have been
heavily worn and eroded by subsequent impacts, so that
significant parts of the outer and inner walls now consist of
irregular and incised sections of mountainous arcs. The
interior floor is covered in a multitude of craters of various
sizes. Several of the more notable craters have received
names. The IAU used the eponyms of people associated with the
Apollo program when designating some of these formations.
Notable in this section are the craters Chafee, Borman, and
Grissom. Sections of Apollo's interior have been
resurfaced with lava, leaving patches of the floor with a
lower albedo than the surroundings. There is a large patch of
this lunar mare in the middle part of the inner ring, which
contains some ray system markings. A long stretch of the mare
lies along the southern part of the crater. There is also a
smaller section near the western rim. (Credit: Most of the
information used in the section feature descriptions was
obtained from wikipedia.com. Section 154 and this directory
was created by Fran Ridge and Ned Haskin of The Lunascan