Farside Directory - Ridge
Section 152

Update: 20181207
China has launched a lander to Von Karmon, the first mission to
land a robotic craft on the far side. There is some talk
about landing on New Years. This is an interesting area. - Fran
Leibnitz in Ridge Section 152 is a huge, 245 km, impact
crater located in the southern hemisphere on the lunar Far
Side. It is located to the east-southeast of Mare Ingenii, and
is joined to the northeast rim of Von Karman. Attached to the
eastern rim of Leibnitz is Davisson (not labeled here) and
intruding into the southeast rim is Finsen. Farther to the
west is the large Oppenheimer (Section 153). The outer rim of
Leibnitz is roughly circular, with a prominent outward bulge
along the southern face. It has received some impact erosion
and wear, with several tiny craters lying along the edge and
the inner wall. The rim to the east and southeast has been
somewhat modified by the craters Davisson and Finsen. Much of
the interior floor of this walled plain has been resurfaced by
lava, leaving a level, nearly featureless surface with the
same low albedo as the dark lunar mare to the northwest.
However the southeastern part of the floor is more irregular,
and the albedo matches the surrounding terrain. The dark floor
is covered in places by streaks of ray material, and several
tiny craterlets. The small crater Leibnitz X near the
northwest inner wall has been flooded by lava, leaving only a
roughly circular rim projecting above the surface. (Credit:
Most of the information used in the section feature
descriptions was obtained from wikipedia.org. Section 152 and
this directory was created by Fran Ridge and Ned Haskin of The
Lunascan Project).