Farside Directory - Ridge
Section 145
Ridge Section 145 is Mariotte, a 65 km elongated crater located
on the lunar Far Side. This formation is located about one
crater diameter to the southwest of the smaller Das. This crater
is longer to the southeast by about an extra 5 km, giving this
feature an egg-shaped outline. The outer rim is sharp-edged and
little eroded. The interior floor is uneven, particularly toward
the southeastern end. Directly north is Murakami (formerly
Murakami Y). To the southeast of Mariotte is the large crater
Chebyshev (out of frame). The most interesting item on both
sections 145 and 144 is the crater chain and ray system easily
visible in both frames (See second link above). [Note: The
caption "Barringer" in the cropped color chart refers to the
crater in the adjacent section and not 145] (Credit: Some of the
information used in the section feature descriptions was
obtained from wikipedia.org. Section 145 and this directory was
created by Fran Ridge and Ned Haskin of The Lunascan Project).