Farside Directory - Ridge
Section 142

Leeuwenhoek is a 125 km lunar impact crater that lies on
the lunar Far Side in the Moon's southern hemisphere. It is
located to the east of the crater Birkeland and the unusual
double crater Van de Graaff. Leeuwenhoek is the dominat
feature in Ridge Section 142 and so it was named after that
crater, but Van de Graaf steals all the attention. To the
northeast of Leeuwenhoek is Orlov and to the south is the
large walled plain Leibnitz (Section 152). The outer rim of
Leeuwenhoek is worn and eroded, forming an irregular
mountainous ring about the relatively level interior floor.
The inner wall is wider along the western and southern sides,
offseting the floor to the northeast. At the midpoint of the
interior is a central peak formation. There are a pair of
small craterlets on the floor and several tiny craters.
Leeuwenhoek partly overlaps the satellite crater Leeuwenhoek E
to the northeast. Notice De Vries near the top of the section
frame. For some reason there are numerous images from the
Apoollo 17 mission of this crater and Van de Graaf. (Credit:
Most of the information used in the section feature
descriptions was obtained from wikipedia.org. Section 142 and
this directory was created by Fran Ridge and Ned Haskin of The
Lunascan Project).