Farside Directory - Ridge
Section 137

The largest crater in Ridge Section 137 is Milne, which is 272
km wide. but it is hard to resolve and actually stretches into
Section 138. Alden is larger than Scaliger, but the technical
interest shown in Scaliger in the Lunar Reconnaisance Orbiter
story (see bottom link *) spurred me to name this section after
it. Scaliger is a prominent lunar impact crater, 84 km wide,
that is located in the southern hemisphere on the lunar Far
Side. It is attached to the northwest rim of the walled plain
Milne, and the shared perimeter has reshaped the outer wall of
Scaliger slightly, producing a straightened section along the
southeast. To the west of Scaliger is the Lacus Solitudinis. The
outer wall of Scaliger is somewhat polygonal in shape,
especially in the southern half. The rim has not been heavily
eroded by subsequent impacts, in contrast to the heavily worn
Milne to the southeast. The inner wall of Scaliger's rim
displays terraces, and a notable outer rampart overlaying the
floor of Milne. The interior floor of Scaliger is relatively
flat, with a rough surface near the inner wall. Near the
midpoint is a central peak, offset slightly to the east.
(Credit: Some of the information used in the section feature
descriptions was obtained from wikipedia.org. Section 137
and this directory was created by Fran Ridge and Ned Haskin of
The Lunascan Project).