Farside Directory - Ridge
Section 133

Doppler is a 110 km lunar impact crater just to the left of
center in Section 133 and named after Christian Doppler. It is
located at the southern edge of the giant walled plain Korolev,
on the farside of the Moon. Doppler almost gets lost in
the region map below Korelev (423 km, Section 122) but is of
obvious characteristics in the near center. To the NE of Doppler
is Korolev M. To the east are the craters Das and Galois.
Farther to the southwest of Doppler is Mohorovicic (out of
frame). The rim of Doppler has a somewhat polygonal form, and a
smaller crater is joined with the inner side of the northeast
wall. The interior of Doppler is rough and irregular, with some
terracing of the worn outer walls, and a complex of central
hills to the north of the midpoint. The crater Doppler B lies
within the northern rim, and occupies a portion of the northern
floor. A small, crater-formed valley runs to the southeast
across the floor of Doppler from the rim of Doppler B. (Credit:
Some of the information used in the section feature descriptions
was obtained from wikipedia.com,
Section 133 and this directory was created by Fran Ridge and Ned
Haskin of The Lunascan Project).