Farside Directory - Ridge
Section 131

Racah is Ridge Section 131 and titled after the 63 km lunar
impact crater on the Far Side of the Moon. It lies almost due
south of the larger crater Daedalus (Section 120), and lies
across lunar longitude 180°W, i.e. the longitude that is
diametrically opposite to the Earth. To the west-southwest of
Racah is the crater Aitken, which straddles Sections 130-131,
and to the southeast lies De Vries (Section 142). The rim of
Racah is eroded and is not quite circular, having a prominent
outward bulge along the west-northwest side. The edge is
somewhat damaged along the southern rim, but no significant
craters lie along the side. The interior floor is uneven in
places with some small impacts. This feature is named after the
Israeli physicist Giulio Racah. There were a large number of
"hits" for images of this area, both by Lunar Orbiter and by the
Apollo missions, probably due to the already high interest paid
to Daedalus (Section120) (Credit: Some of the information
used in the section feature descriptions was obtained from
wikipedia.org. Section 131 and this directory was created by
Fran Ridge and Ned Haskin of The Lunascan Project).