Farside Directory - Ridge
Section 125

Michelson is a 123 km crater on the lunar Far Side, located
along the northeastern outer rim of the huge walled plain
Hertszsprung (Section 123 & 124) and to the southwest of the
crater Kolhorster (out of frame to the north). Michelson is a
heavily eroded crater formation with multiple impacts along the
rim edge and within the interior. The rim is roughly circular,
but has been rendered relatively uneven due to these smaller
craters. There are small craters across the interior floor,
including impacts along the north, west and southeastern edges.
Southeast of the outer rim is the crater chain Catena Michelson
(see chart 0010N-240260 above) which passes near the outer rim
of the crater Grachev. Due to the extreme curvature of the limb
it is hard to see many scrunched details in the area east of
Michelson. Our color graphic, although stretched more than the
LRO image we clipped for the section, shows much more. (Credit:
A lot of the information used in the Ridge Section feature
descriptions was obtained from
Ridge Section 125 and this directory was created by Fran Ridge
and Ned Haskin of The Lunascan Project).