Farside Directory - Ridge
Section 115

King is a prominent lunar impact crater that is located on the
far side of the Moon. It forms a pair with Ibn Firnas, which is
only slightly larger and is attached to the northeast rim of
King. To the northwest are craters in another section (104) but
the crater Lobachevsky and Guyot, located an equal distance to
the north-northwest. The outer rim of King is roughly circular
but with a slightly irregular appearance, particularly at the
northern end. The crater displays little appearance of wear. The
inner walls are terraced, particularly along the eastern side.
Within the walls is a somewhat uneven interior floor. The
interior is irregular and ridged, particularly in the eastern
half. The elongated, Y-shaped central rise is part of a ridge
that runs to the southern rim. A tiny crater near the
east-southeastern inner wall has been officially given the
Indian feminine name Sita by the IAU. Not really visible in the
extreme SW part of the section (but important) is Hirayama, a
large crater that is located just beyond the eastern limb. This
region of the surface is sometimes brought into view from Earth
during periods of favorable libration. However it is best viewed
from orbit. This crater is located along the southeastern edge
of the Mare Smythii to the northeast of the crater Brunner. To
the northeast of Hirayama is Wyld. This is a worn and eroded
crater with multiple impacts overlapping the outer rim and the
interior floor. The image (*) that instigated the search for
information on this section was taken by the advanced Moon
Imaging Experiment (AMIE) on board ESA's SMART-1 spacecraft, and
shows a highly eroded highland area on the lunar far side, close
to the equator. AMIE obtained this image on 1 January 2006, from
a distance of 1483 kilometres from the surface, with a ground
resolution of 134 metres per pixel. The imaged area is centred
at a latitude of 4.2º South and longitude 98.4º East. (Credit:
Some of the information used in the section feature descriptions
was obtained from wikipedia.com. Section 115 and this directory
was created by Fran Ridge and Ned Haskin of The Lunascan