Farside Directory - Ridge
Section 110

McMath is an 86 km impact crater on the lunar Far Side and the
most prominent crater in Ridge Section 110. It lies SSW of the
Jackson crater (Ridge Section 99), and material from the ray
system centered on Jackson lies across most of McMath. Farther
to the south lies the crater pair of Zhukovskiy and Lebedinsky.
Zhukovskiy is the crater at the bottom right of the section with
the craterlet inside, and Lebedinsky is to its right. McMath is
a worn, torn up, and eroded crater formation with several small
craters along the rim edge. The rim is the most heavily worn at
the northern end, but is more intact to the east and west. The
interior floor is relatively level, and is marked by only a few
tiny craterlets. (Credit: Some of the information used in
the section feature descriptions was obtained from
wikipedia.org. Section 110 and this directory was created by
Fran Ridge and Ned Haskin of The Lunascan Project).