Farside Directory - Ridge
Section 102

Left. Ridge Section 102; Right: Cropped 1200 dpi USGS
color chart of Section 102
Ridge Section 102 is Kovalevskaya. It is a prominent lunar
impact crater, 115 km wide, crater located on the Moon's Far
Side, named after the Russian mathematician Sofia
Kovalevskaya. At top left it is the upper part of the
double crater. A great shot of the crater can be found on the
LRO image displayed in the LAC WAC-53 chart above. The crater on
the western edge is Bronk (see LAC WAC-52). Kovalevskaya
lies to the southwest of the larger walled plain Landau (out of
frame). Kovalevskaya overlies nearly half of the large
Kovalevskaya Q along the southwest rim. The outer rim of
Kovalevskaya is generally well-formed and not significantly
eroded. The inner walls have formed terraces and slumped shelves
in places. At the midpoint of the interior floor is a pair of
central peaks that are split down the middle by a valley running
north-south. Some hills run to the east of these peaks, and
there are some low hills near the northwest inner wall. The
remainder of the floor is relatively level and free from
significant impacts. (Credit: Some of the information used in
the section feature descriptions was obtained from
wikipedia.com. Section 102 and this directory was created by
Fran Ridge and Ned Haskin of The Lunascan Project).