Farside Directory - Ridge
Section 099

Jackson is a very interesting and prominent lunar impact crater
(71 km wide) that is located in the northern hemisphere on
the far side of the Moon. In Ridge Section 099 it is on the
bottom right hand corner. See hi-res image of area from LRO's
LAC 51 above. Jackson lies at the center of a large ray system.
A skirt of higher-albedo material covers the surface within one
crater diameter, with a slightly darker band along the outer
ramparts. Beyond that radius, the rays form wide sections that
grow increasingly diffuse and wispy with distance. The largest
sections lie in roughly 90° arcs to the northeast and southwest,
while a narrower arc projects to the south-southeast. The rays
continue for hundreds of kilometers across the surface. The rim
of the crater is well-defined and not significantly worn. The
edge is somewhat polygonal in shape, with the southeastern rim
being more rounded. The inner walls display some terracing. The
interior floor is generally level with some irregularities in
the northeastern part. Parts of the floor have a relatively high
albedo. In Section 099 Cockroft is the top part of the big
double crater to the North and Fitzgerald is the large crater
right on the western edge. (Credit: Most of the information used
in the section feature descriptions was obtained from
wikipedia.org. Section 099 and this directory was created by
Fran Ridge and Ned Haskin of The Lunascan Project).