Farside Directory - Ridge
Section 098

Ridge Section 098 is Buys-Ballot, named after an oddly-shaped
lunar crater that is located on the lunar far Side. It lies in
the SW corner of the section, just to the northwest of the small
lunar mare named Lacus Luxuriae (out of frame), and southeast of
the crater Freundlich (Section 097). Other nearby craters of
note are Dante and Morse to the northeast, and Lormor to the
NNE. near the northernmost part of the section. This formation
has a distinctive shape for a crater, having a prominent
extension to the south that nearly doubles the dimension
compared to the width across the maximum west-east
cross-section. It vaguely resembles a pear, with the thinner end
to the south and the bulge to the north. Despite the odd shape,
this crater has not been significantly eroded and only a few
tiny craterlets mark the interior or the rim. Running down the
middle of the crater along its longest dimension is a ridge that
divides the southern part in half. This ridge extends as far
north as the widest part before coming to an end. The floor at
this widest part has been partially resurfaced by basaltic lava,
leaving an oval area around the northern edge of the central
ridge surrounded by a patch of material with a lower albedo than
the surroundings. The remainder of the interior floor is
somewhat rough and irregular, particularly in the southern half.
(Credit: Some of the information used in the section feature
descriptions was obtained from wikipedia.org. Section 098 and
this directory was created by Fran Ridge and Ned Haskin of The
Lunascan Project).