Farside Directory - Ridge
Section 94

Vernadskiy is a 91 km wide lunar crater on the lunar Far Side,
behind the visible eastern limb. It lies to the west-northwest
of the smaller crater Siedentopf. The crater just NE of
Vernadskiy is Florensky. To the south is Gavrilov (out of
frame), and much farther to the west is Meggers. The USGS chart
shows the crater locations better. Vernadskiy is a formation
that has seen better days. The outer rim has been bombarded by a
myriad of lesser impacts, producing an eroded and irregular
edge. Attached to the outer rim to the northeast is the
satellite crater Vernadskiy B, an equally worn crater. The
interior floor of Vernadskiy is also marked by a number of small
impacts, although in general it is more level than the uneven
terrain that surrounds the crater. In some sources the name is
spelled as Vernadskij. (Credit: Some of the information
used in the section feature descriptions was obtained from
wikipedia.org. Section 109 and this directory was created by
Fran Ridge and Ned Haskin of The Lunascan Project).