Farside Directory - Ridge
Section 088

Ridge Section 088 is Debye, named after the 142-km lunar
crater located on the northern hemisphere of the lunar Far
Side. It lies to the northeast of te crater Cheruyshev and
north of the crater Moore. It is southwest of the walled plain
Rowland which is out of frame. The outer rim of this crater
has been heavily battered by impacts, and is somewhat
distorted from the form of a circle. The northeast rim in
particular has become straightened by impact modification, and
the crater rim as a whole has a roughly polygonal shape. The
southern rim is overlaid by the smaller crater Perkin. The
most heavily eroded section of the rim is along the northeast,
where a cluster of overlapping craters intrudes into the side.
The western rim is notched and indented by several small
impacts. The crater interior is nearly as battered as the
outer rim. The outer rampart of Perkin intrudes part way
across the southern floor. Parts of remaining interior have
been bombarded and churned by impacts, leaving an irregular
surface that is nearly as rough as the terrain that surrounds
the crater. The most recent of these impacts is a small,
cup-shaped crater just to the southwest of the midpoint. To
the east of the crater Moore (mentioned above) is the
satellite crater Moore F which has a relatively high-rim, and
lies at the center of a small ray system. It is the subject of
the fantastic You Tube video by John Moore linked below.
Credit: Some of the information used in the section feature
descriptions was obtained from wikipedia.org. Section 088 and
this directory was created by Fran Ridge and Ned Haskin of The
Lunascan Project).