Farside Directory - Ridge
Section 84
Ridge Section 84 is named after Fabry and contains
the famous small crater, Giordano Bruno. Fabry is a
large lunar crater (walled plain) located on the lunar Far
Side, just beyond the northeastern limb, but difficult to see
in the our cropped image above. Parts of this area are
sometimes brought into view on the Near Side by the effects of
libration, but the terrain is seen from the edge and so not
much in the way of detail can be observed. This formation is
of significant dimensions in its own right, but it overlies
the northeast rim of an even larger basin named Harkhebi. To
the west is the crater Vashalakidze, and east of Fabry is the
small crater Petrie. The best reference is the crater H.G.
Wells located on the eastern edge of our frame.
Northwards lies Swann. The outer rim of Fabry is heavily worn
and eroded, with notches from subsequent impacts. There
is a central peak formed from a long massif that covers nearly
a quarter of the crater diameter from west to east. The
remainder of the floor has been resurfaced, and now is marked
only by tiny craterlets and the rough ground along the edge of
the rim. Ray material from the young crater Giordano
Bruno to the south carries across the floor of Harkhebi, and
lies in a few faint patches on the floor of Fabry. This is
most notable in the southern part of the crater to the south
of the small crater near the midpoint.
Between Harkhebi and Szilard is the small Giordano Bruno,
which is a 22 km lunar impact crater, just beyond the
northeastern limb. At this location it lies in an area that
can be viewed during a favorable libration, although at such
times the area is viewed from the side and not much detail can
be seen. When viewed from orbit, Giordano Bruno is at the
center of a symmetrical ray system of ejecta that has a higher
albedo than the surrounding surface. The ray material extends
for over 150 kilometers and has not been significantly
darkened by space erosion. Some of the ejecta appears to
extend as far as the crater Boss, over 300 km to the
northwest. The outer rim of the crater is especially bright,
compared to its surroundings. To all appearances this is a
young formation that was created in the relatively recent
past, geologically speaking. The actual age is unknown, but is
estimated to be less than 350 million years and was recently
imaged by NASA’s Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter at an angle at a
time when the setting sun cast long shadows, creating the
high-relief image seen in this report. ** It’s known
that the brightly-rayed crater is relatively young (see the
video below) but how young? It could be anywhere from 834
years old (if some Medieval accounts are to be accepted as
accurate descriptions of the crater’s formation) to 2 to 4
million years old, up to even 10 million years old, of which
there would obviously be no written documentation. The
bright-rayed crater was named Giordano Bruno by the Russians.
Bruno was a sixteenth-century Italian scientist.
(Credit: Most of the information used in this section feature
descriptions was obtained from wikipedia.org. Section 84
and this directory was created by Fran Ridge and Ned Haskin of
The Lunascan Project).