Coulomb is an 89 km lunar impact crater that lies
behind the northwestern limb, on the lunar Far Side. It is
located to the west-southwest of the large crater
Poczobutt (NE corner of the cropped color USGS) and
northeast of Sarton (southern edge of LAC 20). Neither can
be seen in our b&w Section 83 image. However, Kramers
is visible and located some distance southeast of Coulomb.
Kramer C, the younger, but comparably sized formation,
intrudes into the northeast rim, and the two form a crater
pair. (The later crater has a terraced inner wall and a
central peak at the midpoint). But the rim of
Coulomb is mildly eroded, but still retains a well-defined
edge and displays some old terracing on the wide inner
walls. The exterior of the crater also retains something
of an outer rampart extending for about a third of crater
diameter. The satellite crater Coulomb V lies just beyond
the west-northwest limb, while on the opposite side
Coulomb J lies a short distance from the outer rim,
forming a nearly symmetric pattern. The inner walls of the
crater have only a few small impacts along the sides, with
one near each of the aforementioned satellite craters.
Within the sloping inner walls, the crater floor is
remarkably level and nearly featureless, at least in
comparison to the more rugged terrain that surrounds the
crater. Only a few tiny craterlets mark this interior
plain, and a small crater near the south-southeast inner
wall. (Credit: Some of the information used in the section
feature descriptions was obtained from
wikipedia.org. Section 83 and this directory was
created by Fran Ridge and Ned Haskin of The Lunascan