Farside Directory - Ridge
Section 82

Birkhoff is Ridge Section 82 named after the giant 345 km lunar
walled plain located on the lunar Far Side's northern
hemisphere. This formation is an ancient impact site that has
been heavily eroded, and the surface reshaped by multiple
craters in the interior and along the rim. The outer wall is
bordered by the craters Carnot to the south and Rowland (Section
81) along the west rim. What remains of the perimeter is
now a rugged sloping rise along the inner wall, and the rim has
been worn down until it is level with the irregular external
terrain. The rim is pock-marked by small craters of various
dimensions. Within the crater are several craters that are
notable in their own right. Along the northwest inner rim is the
eroded Birkhoff X, while due south in the southwest floor is
Birkhoff Q. The later is joined by a low ridge to the double
crater formation of Birkhoff K and L in the eastern half of the
crater. In the northern interior are the smaller but relatively
young Birkhoff Y and Z. The remainder of the floor is flat in
places, with rough sections and many tiny craterlets. (Credit:
Some of the information used in the section feature descriptions
was obtained from wikipedia.org. Section 82 and this
directory was created by Fran Ridge and Ned Haskin of The
Lunascan Project).