Farside Directory - Ridge
Section 78

Stormer is a 69 km lunar impact crater that is located on the
lunar Far Side, named after Carl Stormer, a Norwegian
mathematician and aurora researcher. It lies in the northern
part of the Moon, to the southeast of the crater Olivier (also
69 km). (Note: Olivier N attached to its SW corner with a
crater chain in-between). Stormer is also to the north of van
Rhijn (out of frame). Stormer is a relatively young formation
with features that have not received a significant amount of
wear or erosion from subsequent impacts. The edge of the rim is
sharply defined, and the inner wall is terraced along the
northwestern side. The interior floor is relatively level, with
a double-peak formation at the midpoint. Störmer P, a
satellite crater, is attached to the exterior of the rim of
Störmer along the southwest side. (Credit: Some of the
information used in the section feature descriptions was
obtained from wikipedia.org. Section 78 and this directory
was created by Fran Ridge and Ned Haskin of The Lunascan