![]() Fran Ridge |
March 26, 2020;
Montreal, FRANCE
![]() Frame grab from video before the event of March 26th, 2020 See clip below archived on our web site by Eric Calkins: https://lunascan.com/videos/Multiple_UFOs_Cross_The_Moon_And_Leave_Shadows_2020.mp4 Video_Analysis_of_Three_Unidentified_Objects_Near_the_Moon (Mark Carlotto) Updated 10 April 2020
This web page is the directory for the event, and all the files, including the analysis and images of the unidentified moving targets presented by Mark Carlotto can be found in this folder. https://www.lunascan.com/Endymion/ Dr. Mark Carlotto: The fact that these objects are so clearly resolvable in the video immediately suggested that they are quite large. As it turns out they are enormous. A measurement of U1 as it flies over Endymion is between 5 and 15 miles in length and roughly 1 to 3 miles in width. The other two objects appear to be about the same size. Fran Ridge: The Lunascan Project received the video clip as an attachment from an unnamed source on April 5. I sought out the original URL with Google and was able to find it. Jean-Michel Tenac uploaded the file to YouTube (on April 4th ?) and stated: "Not my Video. Owner states: 'I regularly film the moon by day, at time of the first and last crescent. I think hidden activity has to be visible on the Moon, it is at that moment the population does not observe it because the first and last crescent makes it more discreet.' The filmer wishes to remain anonymous." My comments: 1) The location mentioned on the video clip is Montreal, France, and not Canada. 2) I was able to identify the large asteroid basin in the background and the double impact craters shown in the video, the primary one being Endymion in Rukl Section 7. 3) I had mixed emotions when I saw the original YouTube video the first time. My doubts, or serious skepticism, began when I saw the CGI (Computer Generated Imaging) version which was (I thought) equally impressive, but is a known fabrication. It was also a "red flag" in that the person who did the CGI may be the same person. 4) What bothers me the most about this video is that, IF IT IS REAL, the Lunascan Project conducted over twenty years of intense scanning, with 95 missions, and would have been elated to announce the video capturing of unknowns coming around the back side and over a known lunar feature for measuring purposes. 5) This is NOT a final report or final analysis on the Endymion event. Releasing this directory is only the beginning of yet another controversy, I'm sure. Mark Carlotto's analysis is thorough, and yet cautionary.
The above VMA (Virtual Moon
Atlas) computer check was conducted to verify
the date given and shows the relatively correct
image and proof that the event involved the NE
lunar limb. Given the event took place in France
the crescent shown here may be off slightly,
France being ten hours ahead of us in the United
States in the midwest. However, advancing the
date to March 27th at 4:00 PM gives a much
better match. It has been found that persons
reporting UFOs early in the morning sometimes
confuse the midnight hour change and the
therefore the actual date, but this was in the
Mare Humboldtinianum is in the background. ![]() Rukl Section 07 identifies the section and the features I mentioned earlier. ![]() No other limb feature matches the features in the video. The scope/cam was focused on the NE lunar limb, away from the most notable feature Mare Crisium. https://www.lunascan.com/Endymion/images/lroc_wac_nearside_noslew.png
Looking east, LRO image of the feature showing a double impact basin formed by asteroid strikes on the NE limb, Endymion being the later impact. Mare Humboldtinianum is right at the very edge of the horizon in this angle.
I wish to thank Mark Carlotto, Ananda Sirisena, David Eccott, and Eric Calkins for their comments and their help. There may be other comments and/or analyses later on and I will post them. Fran Ridge Coordinator, The Lunascan Project skyking42@gmx.com LATEST UPDATES March 9, 2020 CGI Breakdown and recreation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ScBx2EwSuDo&feature=youtu.be David Eccott: I managed to get in touch with the guy who made the CGI video. He replied to me as follows: March 11, 2020"Good observation, I definitely could have cranked up the distortion effect, it looks too static. That being said, I'm 100% sure that the original video is footage of the real moon with real atmospheric distortion, and not a 100% cgi scene like mine. IF the original is fake, then they would have made the exact same process as I did, but only using a cgi moon to generate the proper shadow casting. They would have overlaid the UFOs and shadows over the real moon, added more distortion effects on top to tie it all together and there you have it. In fact there is a compositing error in the original that tells me they added extra effect on top, if you look closely at the 49 second mark in the original you can see how the atmospheric distortion suddenly stops which wouldn't normally occur. What this tells me is that the original artist forgot to keep the distortion effect active until the end of the take, a small detail that says a lot! I definitely could have paid extra attention to detail to match my cgi even better to the original, thanks for the heads up!”You'll notice that, at one point, he refers to the fact that the atmospheric distortion suddenly stops. This, I think, is the point that the other video uploader, (the one Ananda sent), was trying to make. This guy says that it's “a small detail that says a lot!” I think it's worth bearing that in mind, although I'm beginning to become quite confused now as to what various people feel about the original video's authenticity. To be honest, I don't think anyone knows quite what to think. Ananda Sirisena: The film placed on Youtube by Jean-Michel Tanac, of objects apparently moving around Luna, taken from a location in France, show an interesting feature, which would have been difficult to insert if this was modified by CGI. All three objects show some type of flare, in front of them, as they move from sunlight into the darkness of the terminator's edge. The flares move with the objects. (Illustrations) ENDREP |