In 1962 Carl Sagan spoke on the possibility of discovering alien artifacts on the Moon, stating that "forthcoming photographic reconnaissance of the moon from space vehicles - particularly of the back - might bear these possibilities in mind." ASU (Arizona State University) receives, processes, catalogs and studies hundreds of thousands of images from NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter.  In 2010, while discussing the benefits of the LRO, ASU scientist Paul Davies wrote several papers on searching for extraterrestrial intelligence, one of them mentioned "Geo-engineering structures" on the moon.  "Alien technology might also manifest itself in minings or quarrying activity, or even construction work."

The Lunascan Project (TLP) conducts live and recorded scanning missions of the lunar surface at a SIMRANGE of about 600 miles. TLP also investigates images of alleged anomalies on the moon's surface, most of which turn out to be explainable. In 1996 the project re-discovered the Blair Cuspids (Ref 1) which still defy explanation. In late May 2016, Ananda Sirisena, a member of the project and SPSR, sent an email message to the project coordinator, Fran Ridge (also an SPSR member), with images that looked like dark "walls" or "towers" on the surface of the moon.  A search was conducted to find out where the objects were located on the lunar surface and what NASA images were involved. The story had been on the internet for over two years and no one had conducted a thorough investigation, but an Apollo 15 image had been mentioned. Once the coordinates were found it was pretty clear that there was a fairly "recent" 0.55 m/pixel image of the targets acquired in 2010 by the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter. The frame was M118769870L. Very quickly the subject of the "walls" or "towers" took a more serious turn. And the targets were not "walls" or "towers", but some kind of "structure" in the SW corner of a 24 km crater named "Paracelsus C" located on the back side of the moon! It was imperative that other images of the area be found to see if the "structures" were "recent" or had "arrived earlier". PC scans were begun and Fran Ridge located the targets on A15-P-8868, an Apollo 15 Panoramic Camera image taken almost 40 years prior, in 1971. Within hours, Ananda Sirisena located identical objects on an additional Apollo image, AS15-P-8873. This was a very important discovery. Very quickly Sirisena had located five additional frames from the Apollo 15 series, and Ridge and Sirisena both had discovered M-frames from three other LRO missions. These targets were not tricks of light or shadows or camera aberations, nor were these objects "towers' or "walls". They didn't know what these objects were, but they knew what they were not.

This report by Mark Carlotto, Fran Ridge and Ananda Sirisena (all SPSR members) is the story and preliminary analysis of the anomalous structures in Paracelsus C.


The 17-page draft of the Lunascan Project report, "Anomalous Structures In Paracelsus C" (Ref 2), was submitted to John Keller, the Deputy Project Scientist for the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Project via email on 8 July, 2016 and will soon be submitted to ASU's Paul Davies.

Ref. 1

Ref. 2