The Lunascan Project - MOONWATCH - Team Report


April 8, 2011                          
Sky conditions  very cloudy                  
Temp not recorded                      

vma  above                  
cam1    trackingcam         
cam2    analog hps        
cam3    vma / lpi not used          
cam4    internal                

Finder  gbc-400 /51611,  3.5-8mm TV      
HPS, analoggbc-200 imagerev        diagonal
VMA  / TEP-100 Elite Pro        
celestron C-8  diagonal        no hand cntrl   2032 mm  
                       gbc-200   prime focus   
                       orion t-c adaptor                       max     
First session with Moonwatch van. First attempt with prime focus was successful in spite of intense cloud cover. Images obtained were less than satisfactory but presented below.                  

arent Directory 01-May-2011 16:15 -
[IMG] 20110408_194051.bmp 11-Apr-2011 02:09 301k
[IMG] 20110408_194741.bmp 11-Apr-2011 02:15 301k
[IMG] 20110408_vma.jpg 11-Apr-2011 02:39 162k
[TXT] report20110408.htm 05-May-2011 18:31 8k